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 Direct Methods Of Internet Marketing

How do you recruit people to join your network marketing business on the Internet?

There are two tried and tested approaches which can in fact be used together to make a very powerful selling system. They are the direct

approach and the indirect approach. In this article I will look at the direct approach to promoting your network marketing business, and in my next article I will discuss the benefits of the indirect approach.

The direct approach to network marketing on the Internet

The "direct approach" does not mean sending traffic straight to your network marketing sales page. That is far too direct!

Instead, direct your web traffic to a lead capture page which has been designed to arouse curiosity in your network marketing company so that as many leads as possible will opt in to receive further information about the business offer.

Write an exclusive free report about your network marketing business and offer it as an incentive on your lead capture page to increase your chances of getting people to opt in.

When people opt in, they will be presented with two sources of information about your online network marketing business, (1) your free report and (2) your email newsletters. Both your free report and your e-mail newsletters will include links to the recruiting page of your network marketing business. The job of your report and your e-mail newsletters is to presell your subscribers so that they will be much more likely to sign up to your business offer.

So, the direct approach is one that promotes your network marketing business from the moment someone arrives on your lead capture page. They will be aware from the beginning that you want them to join a particular network marketing business, and if they opt in to receive further information they are in effect giving you permission to promote that business to them in more detail.

To make this direct approach more effective, it makes sense to design different lead capture pages for different sources of web traffic. For example, a lead capture page that is designed for traffic exchanges should have much less information on it than a lead capture page that is designed for a Google ad words PPC campaign. On the traffic exchanges you only have a few seconds to get your message across. On the other hand, it makes sense to use a text rich lead capture page for an Adwords campaign as Google tends to give preference to pages that are full of unique content.

In my next article I will discuss the benefits of the indirect approach to marketing your network marketing business on the Internet.


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